Frequently Asked Questions for COVID – 19

Update 21.03.20

We have now made the decision to cease all face to face appointments. To compensate for this we have set up #ReciprocatingKindness to ensure we can still benefit everyone through this difficult time.

Update 21.03.20

As of yesterday evening the Leys Sports Complex and Clare College Sports Ground clinic are now closed. All arranged appointments will be contacted today with the latest alternative arrangements. Please check your email and spam folders later today.

Update 17.03.20

To minimise exposure at the Cambridge United Football Stadium clinic the main gate to the stadium will be closed when you arrive. This will not affect your appointment, please wait outside the gate and Rich will come and open it to let you in and out ensuring the only person you come into contact with will be our therapist.

COVID-19 Update: We appreciate there is already a lot of information being circulated regarding the Coronavirus but we would like to reassure you that your health is of utmost importance to us and we are therefore following guidelines as set out by Public Health England (PHE). Please see below for some frequently asked questions and do not hesitate to email us for further information ( Many thanks in advance for your cooperation with this matter.

Is the company still operating as normal?

All appointments are currently going ahead as planned at the Cambridge United Football Stadium clinic but with enhanced cleaning methods and greater hygiene controls in place. You will only come into contact with one other person which will be your therapist at this location. This may be subject to change but we will let you know if the PHE puts restrictions in place.

What actions are you taking?

We are encouraging all clients to thoroughly wash hands for a minimum of 20 seconds with soap before coming into the treatment room. NHS posters are displayed to show the best way to perform this. There are hand sanitiser stations available also. Therapists will, as always, thoroughly wash hands before and after every client. Cleaning methods within the clinic locations have been enhanced to follow the guidelines as set out by PHE.

What can I do to protect myself?

Please wash your hands on entering the clinic building. We also advise you to carry tissues with you to catch your cough or sneeze. The tissue should be disposed of immediately in a bin and hands should be washed once again. If you do not have a tissue, the guidelines say to cough or sneeze into your sleeve rather than into your hands. Finally, try to limit hand contact with your nose, eyes and mouth.

What should I do if I feel unwell?

If you have a continuous cough, a fever or shortness of breath, please DO NOT attend your appointment. Please notify us via email ( With the current situation, the 24 hour cancellation policy will be waivered so you will not be charged for the appointment but we can hopefully reschedule for a later date. If you are worried about your symptoms, please phone 111 rather than attending your GP practice.

What should I do if I have come into contact with someone who has COVID-19?

Please DO NOT attend your appointment. Please notify us via email ( With the current situation, the 24 hour cancellation policy will be waivered so you will not be charged for the appointment but we can hopefully reschedule for a later date.

Thanks once again from the F.A.S.T. Team.