
The reason we set up the company in 2013 was first and foremost to help people, whether that be to overcome an injury, set a personal best or achieve a goal. Fortunately, since that time and with your help, we have successfully treated thousands of you. We have seen some incredible goals achieved and phenomenal challenges completed along the way. We realise that now, more than ever, is a time when we can really achieve these founding principles and try to make a difference to everyone by giving something back. This is where the idea of #ReciprocatingKindness was born.

What are we offering you?

– Free of Charge Online Video Consultations

Online Video Consultations

During the current lockdown period, we are providing FREE of charge 30 minute video or telephone calls to help assist you with your recovery and follow through with the treatment and management plans we started.

These calls are supplemented by sending you alterations and progressions to your rehabilitation programmes using our custom made rehabilitation video library. These programmes are suited to your needs and could include strengthening, flexibility, mobility or self massage techniques videos.

We want to ensure that we are still here for you during this difficult time!

– Educational Resources

Some educational resources to help reduce the likelihood of injury for certain sports have also been created so please get in touch if you would benefit from access to this material.

– Train with the Professionals Series

We have teamed up with sports champions to provide you with our ‘Train with the Professionals’ series. Watch their videos for insights into their favourite stretches or home strengthening routines which use minimal equipment.  For more educational resources and train with the professional series please visit our YouTube channel.

– 2.6 Challenge

It has been great to work with you all to build a community to raise money for our local NHS hospital charity, the Addenbrookes Charitable Trust.

The money was raised mainly through our 2.6 Fit Again Sports Therapy challenge and also from appointment donations.

In total, you helped us raise an incredible £1000. A massive thank you to each and every one of you.

Why are these services for free?

We believe that now more than ever we need to come together and we want to make these services accessible to everyone. We appreciate that taking money out of the equation achieves this and so we can all try to help each other in different ways. If anyone would like to reciprocate kindness by offering assistance from their speciality then this would be gratefully received. For example, some simple business advice (we clearly need it after this idea!), website help etc., or even something as simple as a follow/review on social media.

We are starting this campaign of #ReciprocatingKindness so that we can all help each other without financial restrictions. We hope you would like to get involved with this during an unprecedented time. Together we can get through this and we hope this inspires others to join in with acts of kindness.

Stay well and spread the word so we can reach out and impact as many people as possible!

We are delighted with how the campaign has been received. We have already undertaken 150 free of charge video consultations and gained recognition from our governing body and further afield.