Cambridge United Football Stadium Main Stand, Newmarket Road, CB5 8LN
Please follow the instructions below rather than relying on your SatNav or the postcode.
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Finding the clinic

If approaching from the centre of Cambridge:
Passing the Cambridge Retail Park on your right, continue along Newmarket Road until you reach the stadium which is located on your right hand side. Just past the stadium you will see a set of traffic lights – IMMEDIATELY BEFORE them, take a right turn down the narrow tarmacked road.
If approaching from Newmarket Road or the East:
Please note, you will turn left into the the narrow tarmacked road IMMEDIATELY AFTER the set of traffic lights before reaching the main stadium car park.
You will arrive at the large electronic gate to enter the stadium side car park. Please use the intercom on the right hand side and select “physio room” to gain access. You can park in any of the spaces and there are bike racks to the left. Walk through the double glass doors to the corporate area. Please take a seat in this entrance area and we will meet you here after the previous appointment.